Sunday, January 13, 2013

Me and my Airman

Growing up most young girls would watch the classic Disney fairy tales;  my personal favorites were Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast. Many people argue that fairy tales promote unrealistic expectations in young girls. My mother taught me that I may not find a real life "Prince Charming", but that I would surely someday find MY Prince Charming. I have in fact found my Prince Charming, he may not be a knight in shining armor to everyone else, but he is MY knight in shining armor and I am madly in love with him!

To give you a bit of our background I will start from the very beginning. It all started when I was in my mother's womb... Okay I am joking. But seriously, it did start way back when I was a little duckling. Not even enough boob to fill a sports bra, I found myself falling for this hunk of an 11 year old. I hadn't even hit puberty yet and I was in love, and I mean in LOVE. I followed poor R around any time he came over to have a play date with my older brother M. He obviously paid no attention to my flat chested, freckly faced, huge 90's glasses self. My love for R lasted up until he turned 17 and left for the Air Force. By this time I was no longer a flat chested, freckle faced, glasses wearing child. I was an awkward big boobed, pimple faced teenager, sans the glasses (thank you contacts)!

Now fast forward three years, R is 20 and returning home with WIFE and CHILD. Talk about being a heart broken pubescent teenager. I'm pretty sure I cried for about, oh... three whole days. Once seeing him with "she who shall not be named" I decided it was about time to move on to bigger and better things. Or just some really awful "boyfriends" that I'd like to never think of again, but thanks to my wonderful parents I am reminded almost daily of those awkward times. Love you mom and dad!

Fast forward again to my 21st year of life on this wonderful earth. I'll save you the gruesome details of my teenage years, so to sum it all up quickly:
I moved across the country with a boyfriend at 19, made some great friends, got fat, got broken up with, drove all the way home with my wonderful father who came to help me pack my things, re-enrolled in school, got back into shape, went on some awful dates, and then something AMAZING happened.

I had tried to find R on Facebook many times in the past but could never seem to find him. Then one day I just happened to be browsing through my news feed to see a mutual friend posted something absolutely hilarious. Low and behold, R had commented on that hilarious status and that is when the magic started. I of course added R immediately so that I could stalk and be sure his life was miserable since he decided not to marry me all those years ago. To my surprise he messaged me right away and we caught up with all that had gone on in our lives for the past 6 years. I learned that he and "she who shall not be named" had a rough divorce and he and Little Man were getting ready to PCS (permanent change of station) to beautiful Hawaii.

From that day on R and I have not stopped talking. We are madly in love and I am moving to Hawaii in March. So this is just the start of my fairy tale and it is not even close to being over. I hope you all stick around and join in on my wonderful journey with the love of my life!

xoxo G